Donate to Cozi Cottage Care's Program
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Let's Talk Donations Certificates
Cozi Cottage Care's Program Looking to Give Back ? Lets Help the Less Fortunate Give the Gift That Keeps Giving There are people all over the world that need a little need.Lets group together and Give what will make someone's day brighter Happier or Relaxing Give Anyone the gift Perfect Donation gift for anyone
that has lost a job/
experencing hardships
needs a pick me up
whom who love a haircut
a Shampoo
a pedicure
a manicure
a massage
a birthday cake
needs shampoo
a wig/coat /ect
Personal Essentials ect
Just Because"
you care about the Less Fortunate
Any Reason
Give a Cozi Cottage Care Package
To Anyone that needs a helping hand .
Donation gift certificates are joyful .....
YOU! Feel Great, Happy Joyful...... You Give A GIFT That Keeps Giving > A Cozi Cottage Care's Donation Certificates! "Get Cozi From Head To Toe " CozI Cottage Salon and Spa 124 Commanche St Copperas Cove Tx 76522 254-245-5800
You know someone Lets Us Know ! Note Donation Certificate Amounts are $ 1.00 to $ 1000.00 Need larger amount Please Contact us 254-245-5800 when dotating add under Optional note " Cozi Cares donation " in note field thank you n"Get Cozi From Head to Toe "
Please fill out form send information press donate to Cozi Cottage Care's program We thank you for all your time you took out of your life to come to our site and to donate to someone in need ........"Get Cozi from Head to Toe"